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Your gift will directly impact hundreds
of Bluffton children and teens!

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton. Every dollar invested in Boys & Girls Clubs returns $9.60 in economic benefits to individuals and society, so your contribution has the potential to influence the well-being of others far into the future!

At the Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton, we count on community members just like you for support. Together, we are investing in the future of our community!

Your gift, big or small, helps us reach hundreds of Bluffton kids every day.

The Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton aims to provide a world-class experience that assures success is within every young person who enters our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship and living a healthy lifestyle. Your gift today will help fund programs for Bluffton children and teens.